
Just off of the Hanover Square!
125 Broadway
Hanover Pa 17331
You Can Reach us at (717) 630-2524
Our hours are:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
*With the exception of scheduled events*

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Silly Saturdays!

Miss Zoe decided to play us some tunes this morning while she and the fam stopped in for some quality time. How cute!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Danielle B., Us and Us Only, Sparse, and Ron Jeremy War Machine show

This was a fun show. Didn't get too many pictures/videos but here are a few! This show was a show set up by birthday girl Ashley B. Danielle B. opened with some witty songs on her baritone ukulele.

Following Danielle was the duo of Kinsey Matthews and Mike Suica who go by "Us and Us Only". They rock.

Next up was probably the loudest band we've ever had at the cafe but they certainly brought the fun! Sparse was a 5 piece band of awesome.

Finally, Ron Jeremy War Machine or Richard Miller
as he goes by on the regular. He played as a full band that evening and it sounded absolutely spectacular!

What a great night of great people and great music! GREAT GREAT GREAT!

Static Trees, IDR, and QLR Benefit Show

I didn't grab too many great quality photos from the show but I got some video and still shots from the videos!

First up was IDR (Independent Democratic Republic). This group was a lot of fun - funky beats with some soulful back up singing and meaningful lyrics in the rapping counterparts. They opened with about 6 songs - here's a few shots!

Next up was our host band, Quiet Life Rebellion. They're a rowdy little trio of kind, young men who play their hearts out and for a good cause. They organized this whole benefit event. Yay! Here's some photos of their act!

And lastly, our close friends, The Static Trees. As per usual, they closed with some heart-aching tunes that are written very much wise beyond their years. Here are a few photos of them!

Thanks to those who came out for a great night of music and for the benefit of an children's orphanage in Ethiopia. Ya done good. Be sure to visit our website for info on any upcoming musical acts/events!!

I'll post videos at a later date.

Friday, May 13, 2011

BENEFIT SHOW MAY 14th @ 7 p.m.

Including the great!:
Static Trees
Independent Democratic Republican, and
Quiet Life Rebellion

Bring $3.00 for the benefit
a donation of kids clothing, shoes, and/or school supplies.

Help support our cause!

FRIDAY MAY 13th @ 7 p.m. OPEN MIC

Friday, April 15, 2011

Photos of Good Fun!

Here are some photos that I took of a few friends of mine who are wonderful musicians that played at Reader's on 4/8, 4/9, and 4/11 over the weekend!

4/8 Sarah Donner - Sadly, I didn't get any photos of Sarah performing but no worries - she'll be back in June!

4/9 Matt Pop & Haley Bowery

Haley was really enjoying the Lincoln 3-D book!

3/11 - Danielle B, Naomi Dee, Us and Us Only, with Mal Blum & Simon Littlejon. This show was a really great one - it was raining out so we had the door open and the crowd was very attentive - made for an awesome atmosphere. It was also Danielle's birthday!! We also celebrated that Mal & Simon were on tour but drove back home to NYC that evening. Good times.

Danielle B.

Naomi Dee.

Us and Us Only (Kinsey and Mike)

Mal Blum and Simon Littlejon. We got some great audience participation on the second to last song Mal played called "Baltimore". Much fun!

Can't wait for more bands to sweep in and I can share more photos with you all!
Macy K

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Interested in buying books online?

Visit The Retailer Place (TRP) to quickly and easily buy books, music, and/or videos online and have them delivered to your home.
Because your money will be going to TRP, the books, music, and/or videos you order will have to be shipped to your home, not to The Readers Cafe.
To purchase from this site you must first register and become a member, be sure to enter the correct addresses-- this information will help to determine where your orders are sent.
TRP payment methods include: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, but not phone orders, checks through mail or payment sites, such as PayPal.
Next day shipping is available.

Don't miss our upstairs section!

Don't miss our upstairs section!
Filled with: mysteries, fiction, inspiration, travel books, sports books, and a selection of poetry and used books.

Bring the kids!

Bring the kids!
With books for toddlers to teens, our childrens' section comes complete with their own table... so that they may act as grown ups for the moment.